A Review of Matt Hale’s The Racial Loyalist Manifesto

I have read Ending White Slavery and The Racial Loyalist Manifesto from cover to cover and my great expectations have been met. Certainly these two books will become to White Supremacy what The Communist Manifesto and Quotations from Chairman Mao have become to International Communism and what Mein Kampf has become to National Socialism. One critic says that the book is repetitive. That is intentional. Good propaganda takes a few important truths and repeats them over and over again in slightly different ways. RLM is written very clearly and logically. It is on an abstract level but written so that any junior high school graduate can understand it. It is very well written and I feel that every white person should read it. I am not in total agreement with the ideas promoted in the book. Hale believes in rule by revolutionary junta. If you study history it is obvious that the first generation of revolutionaries rules well. The second generation is lukewarm. The third generation is corrupt as if you had never had a revolution in the first place. Hale obviously does not have much faith in individual freedom. The really only way to protect that is to have free market capitalism with a democratic form of government. We have that now and it is totally corrupt so I don’t know what the solution is but I don’t think that the authoritarianism that Hale teaches is the answer. I don’t want any government telling me what to think and do–not even one I agree with ideologically. A second criticism I have is that I don’t think that race is the be all and end all of things. Religion is as important as race. Class is important and often overlooked. An all white society will not heal all divisions. There will continue to be religious and class conflict. A third criticism is that Hale seems to be saying that followers who do not participate in protests in the street are guilty of cowardice. While white supremacists who engage in street activism should receive the greatest honor because they put themselves in harms way every position in the movement is important. Those who give much needed financial support and those who write letters to the editor are important. There is something for everyone to do and every contribution deserves respect. I can fully understand nevertheless why a leader who has made the great sacrifice Hale has could feel the way he does but not every White Supremacist possesses physical courage. Despite my basic disagreement with some of the core points of this book I can recognize its importance in the history of the White Race. Hale wrote it because he is alarmed by the current attempted genocide of the white race world wide and certainly his book is a much needed wake up call. Certainly he is right in asserting that we must boldly embrace the cause of White Supremacy if we are to survive!

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