Defense of The Creativity Movement

August 7, 2017

Declaration of Ken O. Damlice:                                                                                                                                                                  It would take me about one year to respond to the document submitted by Susan Prose trying to undermine The Creativity Movement also known as The World Church of the Creator or The Church of the Creator. Let me respond to her criticisms and those of others who do not accept TCM as a legitimate religion.                                                                                                                                                                                        No metaphysics.  The claim is made that TCM has no metaphysics. We should not expect a religion like TCM, which teaches that nothing transcends nature, to have a metaphysics.  Judaism does not have a metaphysics. If it does would someone please name for me five Jewish theologians who have written substantial metaphysical works. There are none. Does this mean that Judaism is not a religion?                        Does not address existential concerns. This is simply not true. TCM has an overarching concern with the continued existence of the white race. This is an existential concern by definition.                              No moral code. The morality of TCM is simplistic: the defense of white supremacy. Hinduism does not have a moral code that Hindus can point to—like the Jews have the Ten Commandments and the Christians have the Sermon on the Mount. Does this mean that Hinduism is not a religion?                                          No worship. TCM does not worship anything yet is deeply religious. Zen practitioners will tell you that they do not worship anything-not even Buddha. Does this mean that Zen is not a religion.                     Hatred. The claim is made that TCM is not a religion but a hate group. The 30 Years War (1618-1648) in Europe between the Protestants and the Catholics resulted in the deaths of more than a million by all estimates and possibly as many as 11 million people. The two clashing groups obviously hated each other with a passion. Was either of these two groups a hate group and not a denomination of Christianity?                                                                                                                                                                       Violence.  I know that TCM is peaceful because Matt Hale wrote me in the 1990s that it was urgent to get unstable people out of the Movement because they were capable of committing violence. James Logsdon, the longtime head of Security for TCM said the same thing to me a few years ago. Is Christianity violent? While Jesus did say that we Christians must love our enemies and turn the other cheek and he also said that those who live by the sword perish by the sword—the Gospels are not consistent on Jesus and non-violence. Luke quotes Jesus saying in the Parable of the Long Journey: But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them-bring them here and kill them in front of me (Luke 19:27 NIV). While Jesus was talking about the king in his parable commentators agree that he was referring to himself.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Instead of rushing to the unabridged dictionary for a definition of religion as Susan Prose has done let us try something more sophisticated. Two famous theologians of the modern period have given precise definitions of religion in highly influential works. In his seminal work The Christian Faith Friedrich Schleiermacher defines religion in general before describing the Christian faith in particular. He defines RELIGION as the FEELING of ABSOLUTE DEPENDENCE. While Ben Klassen makes it clear in The Klassen Letters that Creators do not worship anything—not even nature– his works are permeated with the FEELING of ABSOLUTE DEPENDENCE on the ETERNAL LAWS of NATURE. The eternal laws of nature are referred to every several pages throughout his works—they are a true mantra. The equally famous 20th century Protestant theologian Paul Tillich wrote in The Dynamics of Faith that Faith is an ULTIMATE CONCERN. Certainly Creators believe that the survival and expansion of the white race is their religion or their ULTIMATE CONCERN. I think that if Schleiermacher and Tillich were alive today they would classify TCM as a religion.                                                                                                                                                                                                                Matt Hale asked me in my Declaration to say something about my background. I graduated from college in 1968 having taken the course in World Religions. In 1980 I graduated from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis with a Master of Divinity (Cum Laude). CTS was then and is now accredited by the Association of Theological Schools and can be found at In 1985 I began my career cataloging original records of foreign language theology books for Princeton Theological Seminary. I did one book after another for 23 years—retiring in 2008. For this work I had active standing as a minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) with responsibilities other than preaching (OP). I did well over 10,000 works and assigned a class number and subject headings for each. I cataloged the first work we ever received by Ben Klassen, i.e. Expanding Creativity.  The choice of class numbers for this book was easy because the Library of Congress 1975 Classification Schedule had a number under religious cults just for The Church of the Creator. So apparently the prestigious religion subject specialist for the Library of Congress believed that The Church of the Creator was a religious cult.                                                                                                                                                       But that is enough concerning the exercise of the mind.  You can’t really judge a cult as either religious or secular on the basis of intellect.  Religion is a matter of feeling and experience. You must enter into a cult sympathetically to make a judgment concerning its claim to be a religion. If someone were to participate in TCM and later conclude that it is not a religion that would have credibility with me. Susan Prose’s analysis has no credibility with me because she does not have a feel for TCM. She has been paid to make a negative judgment from the outside.  I have been an Official Supporter of TCM since 1993. I have been corresponding with Matt Hale since that time.  I have read all the writings of Ben Klassen at least once. I have communicated with Head of Security James Logsdon for several years. I am a Facebook friend of his so I have been involved in intra-church dialogue. A few years ago when Sabrina Fulton was pontificating on the virtues of her son Trayvon Martin with Christian language I decided to convert to Creativity as a religion for white people exclusively. I corresponded with Matt Hale with my concerns. I did not take the final step of becoming a member because I felt that I had been a Christian for too many years. Needless to say I considered TCM to be a full-fledged religion. I not only thought but FELT based on my experience that Creativity was a religion.                                                                                                                I, Ken O. Damlice, hereby swear under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.  Sincerely, Ken O. Damlice, August 7th, 2017.

A Review of Matt Hale’s The Racial Loyalist Manifesto

November 5, 2016
I have read Ending White Slavery and The Racial Loyalist Manifesto from cover to cover and my great expectations have been met. Certainly these two books will become to White Supremacy what The Communist Manifesto and Quotations from Chairman Mao have become to International Communism and what Mein Kampf has become to National Socialism. One critic says that the book is repetitive. That is intentional. Good propaganda takes a few important truths and repeats them over and over again in slightly different ways. RLM is written very clearly and logically. It is on an abstract level but written so that any junior high school graduate can understand it. It is very well written and I feel that every white person should read it. I am not in total agreement with the ideas promoted in the book. Hale believes in rule by revolutionary junta. If you study history it is obvious that the first generation of revolutionaries rules well. The second generation is lukewarm. The third generation is corrupt as if you had never had a revolution in the first place. Hale obviously does not have much faith in individual freedom. The really only way to protect that is to have free market capitalism with a democratic form of government. We have that now and it is totally corrupt so I don’t know what the solution is but I don’t think that the authoritarianism that Hale teaches is the answer. I don’t want any government telling me what to think and do–not even one I agree with ideologically. A second criticism I have is that I don’t think that race is the be all and end all of things. Religion is as important as race. Class is important and often overlooked. An all white society will not heal all divisions. There will continue to be religious and class conflict. A third criticism is that Hale seems to be saying that followers who do not participate in protests in the street are guilty of cowardice. While white supremacists who engage in street activism should receive the greatest honor because they put themselves in harms way every position in the movement is important. Those who give much needed financial support and those who write letters to the editor are important. There is something for everyone to do and every contribution deserves respect. I can fully understand nevertheless why a leader who has made the great sacrifice Hale has could feel the way he does but not every White Supremacist possesses physical courage. Despite my basic disagreement with some of the core points of this book I can recognize its importance in the history of the White Race. Hale wrote it because he is alarmed by the current attempted genocide of the white race world wide and certainly his book is a much needed wake up call. Certainly he is right in asserting that we must boldly embrace the cause of White Supremacy if we are to survive!

Writings of Ben Klassen

January 28, 2016

I read Nature’s Eternal Religion in the early 1990s when Ben Klassen was still alive and I recently finished his last work Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs about one month ago.  I have read eleven of his works–almost everything he as written. His works have had a profound influence on me. Nature’s Eternal Religion was the first work of what I would call hate literature that I had ever read and I have always been an omnivorous reader. As a Christian I believe in love. But I also believe in hate. Kenneth Molyneaux wrote in his novel White Empire written in the 1990s that every individual is born with a reservoir of primordial anger which must be directed towards the enemy. We white people have enemies and right now in America they are primarily the Jews and the Negroes. Klassen makes it abundantly clear that these are our deadly enemies. Nature’s Eternal Religion reads a lot like the collected works of atheist and rationalist Robert Ingersoll which was written at least one hundred years ago. Klassen mentions in his first autobiographical work that he was given a copy of them. In all other ways his writings were original. He was a great propagandist making a few simple points and repeating them over and over again in slightly different ways. I have found his position compelling with the exception that he portrays Christianity as a trick by the Jews to induce a suicidal pacifism into naive and altruistic white people. That is not how Christianity arose at all. I am including his works in my blog which is usually devoted to German History because the Southern Poverty Law Center classifies him as a Neo-Nazi and I agree with that assessment. In some ways the author was not very successful in his mission. He was a prosperous real estate developer and spent a lot of money in founding a new church which did not catch on. He also allowed himself to be conned by other white men who pretended to believe in his cause. He was talked out of about a few hundred thousand dollars–a lot of money in the late 1980s and early 1900s. He committed suicide after his wife died because, as he stated, he was bored. His church, The Church of the Creator, was resuscitated by a young man he never met named Matt Hale. Hale is now a prisoner in a federal penitentiary in Colorado and has been hampered in his efforts to keep what is called The Creativity Movement alive.  I strongly recommend that white people read Klassen’s works as an alternative to letting the United States government choose their enemies for them. It is really important to know who your true enemies are if you intend to survive.

Anthony Beevor’s Stalingrad

September 12, 2015

I took me two years to read this very popular book. It is very easy to read compared to most works of military history. It is a populist work concentrating on the lives of the soldiers who were on the front lines in Stalingrad during the fateful conflict that raged there at the turning point of World War II. Once you have read a page long description of a starving and frostbitten soldier covered with lice you understand the manifest purpose of the book because Beevor repeats this description over and over again. The author seeks to arouse compassion from the general reader and does so quite effectively. The latent purpose of the book is to diminish Adolf Hitler and he also does this quite effectively. Hitler is depicted as a selfish coward, and an incompetent leader in war. Hitler has no concern for the front line troops and callously gives them a choice between victory and death. While the former is not true the latter is. Hitler was harsh in his conduct of war. Too many hounds means death to the hare. That is the situation that Hitler faced and he was ever mindful of it. But he was not a selfish coward or incompetent. I have read over ten biographies of Hitler and know enough not to be persuaded by Beevor’s hatchet job. Even biographers that claim that they hate Hitler seem to admire him when you read their books. Jew William Shirer in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich describes him as a giant. So who is Beevor trying to please in presenting this totally negative portrait. The answer is the British academic establishment. These are the same people that won’t speak to David Irving because Irving is outspoken in his admiration of Hitler. I tried to find if there is some Jewish connection with Beevor but came up with nothing. The British upper class is heavy intermarried with the Jews. For example, Beevor’s colleague Max Hastings author of Inferno is married to a Jew. It seems that all the historians of the British establishment who have written about WWII have praised this book. Is it therefore a must read? Not really!


October 18, 2013

Two months ago I finished the third volume of Richard J. Evans’ three volume history of The Third Reich. It is entitled The Third Reich at War. The first volume, The Coming of the Third Reich was the best volume by far. Then the second volume, The Third Reich in Power. The third volume is the least effective. The first volume is written to some extent as a chronological narrative and makes very compelling reading. The second volume is more topical and a little slow and dull in passages. The third volume is encyclopedic with each chapter seemingly covering a different topic. It is very interesting but not a page turner. I wish every one purchasing this set would read it from cover to cover as I have and not treat it as a reference work. It is too important and comprehensive for that. It may well be the most readable history of The Third Reich written so far. My main complaint with The Third Reich at War is that there are things reported in it that seem implausible or that no one was in a position to know at the time. For example, it states that the destructive power of Zykon B was not discovered until at a room in a concentration camp at which it was being used as a pesticide a rat was found dead. This is certainly fiction as the potency of the cyanide gas was already well known and indeed was described in the manufacturer’s instructions. In addition, figures concerning the extermination of inmates at the various concentration camps seem to be accepted uncritically from other sources. In short, the last volume seems to be full of factoids.

The Dawkins Delusion

August 23, 2012

A colleague of mine strongly recommended that I read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. I am a Christian and he has been trying to persuade me to adopt an atheistic position. So I have read the book–every word of it. I was not favorably impressed. I initially thought that the author was a professor of biology at Oxford University. He is at Oxford but he is not in the biology department. He has his own chair and his title is Professor of The Public Understanding of Science. But he pesents himself as a biologist. His position is that evolution is determined by natural selection alone. There is no God so God does not influence evolution. You would think that he would use the Scientific Method to demonstrate this belief but he does not do it. In fact Darwinists in general do not propose experiments to prove their assertion–they merely assume that it is correct. If the Darwinists are right why are there evolutionary gaps in the fossil reacord? Dawkins claims that the gaps demonstrate that science will some day explain those gaps. That is circular reasoning. In addition to claiming to be a scientist and not using the scientific method he assumes  what he is trying to prove. Dawkins also shows himself to be weak in the understanding of philosophy and  cosmology. More than anything else he needs to retire from the faculty of Oxford and enroll in some philosophy courses in order to learn to think more clearly. He should also take care to write in such a manner that each chapter builds upon the argument of the previous one. He should refrain from ad hominem attacks and not assume that he is the savior of the thinking population of the world This latter belief of his I call the Dawkins Delusion . I forced myself to read through the book when I usually discontinue with books that don’t measure up to the scholarly standards that I am used to. I threw this book out when I finished it. I don’t plan to refer to it in the future. As for the atheism of Richard Dawkins being a foundation for white supremacist thinking–we can certainly do better. Thirty million Germans in The Third Reich were Christians and also supported Adolf Hitler. Maybe they had the right idea!

Sauce for the Goose

January 25, 2012

I recently finished the second volume of Richard J. Evan’s history of The Third Reich. It is entitled The Third Reich in Power. It is excellent but not quite so compelling as The Coming of the Third Reich. Once again the differences between the  Nazis and the German Jews are described in black and white terms. The Nazis are cynical, corrupt, arrogant and violent. The Jews are moral, conservative, traditional and, above all, patriotic. Very telling is the story of how greedy and corrupt Nazis Ayrianized (expropriated) Jewish business during the thirties. The Nazis made out like bandits. No mention was made in The Coming of the Third Reich of German Jews with international connections buying up German businesses during the hyperinflationary years of the Weimar Republic at fire-sale prices. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander!

Rommel: A Media Creation?

December 8, 2010

  David Irving’s The Trail of the Fox about legendary Field Marshal Erwin Rommel is certainly one of the most gripping books I have ever read. The first chapter and the last chapter portray this man as a modern day Hannibal. The intervening pages provide a devastating critique. They say that the devil is in the details. In the early stages of the war in North Africa, Hitler blitzed the media with praise for Rommel touting his victorious siege of Tobruk. After that, when Rommel kept on retreating, Hitler felt he could not back down from his support without losing face with the public. Furthermore, he liked and believed in the Field Marshal. Shortly before the Nazi loss of North Africa Rommel was sent to a rehabilitation resort (partly to save his reputation) and was subsequently put in charge of the defense of the French coast against an expected Anglo-American invasion. Rommel had some good qualities. He was a capable tactician. In the fluidity of the battlefield, especially with tanks, he showed himself to be the master of the surprise attack. He stayed close to the front lines during battle which earned him respect from his men and a reputation as physically courageous. What he lacked was moral courage. After a beachhead was established in Normandy Rommel wanted to strike a deal with Montgomery with or without Hitler’s approval–this while Hitler had always treated him with utmost respect and had persistently promoted his career. While he was not directly involved in the anti-Hitler conspiracy of Von Stauffenberg he did not share the loyalty that Hitler had shown him. Part of the problem was that only the most fervent Nazis were loyal to Hitler in the last months–and Rommel was not really a Nazi. He would not fight to the death for Hitler or the Nazi cause as soldiers in the Waffen SS did. This biography was a big bestseller in Germany. My guess is that most people bought the book because it was the thing to do and did not bother to read it all the way through. I find this is very common for books about Hitler and other prominent figures in the Third Reich.

Ancient and Medieval History

November 15, 2010

I consider my area of expertise to be German History. I majored in German in college and studied in Germany briefly. I decided to get into Ancient and Medieval History because Himmler hearkened back to the Medieval Period and Hitler hearkened back to times of the Roman Empire. Since then I have developed an interest in the premodern period for its own sake. Several years ago I tried to read a book by Julius Evola called The Revolt against the Modern World. It was too abstract for me but I got the main point anyway. Nazism is a throwback to the pagan premodern times. I can understand discontent with the modern period. It is filled with “hollow men” as T. S. Eliot would say.  I plan to use a new WordPress blog to post information on my studies in this period of history in response to my listening to lectures from The Teaching Company. Perhaps later I will read books as I do for the History of the Third Reich.

Did Hitler do it for us?

June 4, 2010

I had a conversation this week with an acquaintence I have run into for seven summers now.  He asked me what I do now that I am retired. I said that I study ancient and medieval history, the history of the Third Reich and the Bible. I told him  that I was currently reading David Irving’s great biography of Field Marshall Irwin Rommel, the “desert fox”. He said that Rommel was a controversial figure as was the author of the book. Then he added that he was a student of WWII also. My thinking was that he is one of us. He is probably also respectful of the leaders of the Third Reich but is capable of expressing it only in code language. About 30 years ago I used to go to a local used bookstore and I would look for works on the Third Reich as well as  works on other topics that I study. I once asked the clerk why there were so few books on Nazi Germany. He replied that the  bookstore gets a lot of books about Hitler, Goebbels and others but that they are sold as soon as they hit the shelves. I think that a lot of white men admire these leaders. They killed a lot of innocent people but then a lot of innocent people were killed on both sides in WWII. Forty thousand elderly men, women and children were killed in the Allied bombing of Hamburg in 1943. Between 30,000  and 130,000 denizens of Dresden, many of them refugees, were killed by Bomber Harris in the final stretch of the war. As a Christian I abhor the killing of innocent people. You will hear in the media today what monsters the Nazis were because they killed a lot of innocent people like the Jews. But I don’t think I am going to let the establishment choose my heroes for me because the people I pick are not perfect. Hitler made it clear that he was going to die in the Bunker rather than flee or surrender to the enemy. His reason was that he wanted to set an example for future generations who might be attracted to the Nazi cause. That is something that white men understand and appreciate whether they acknowledge it or not.