Archive for January, 2016

Writings of Ben Klassen

January 28, 2016

I read Nature’s Eternal Religion in the early 1990s when Ben Klassen was still alive and I recently finished his last work Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs about one month ago.  I have read eleven of his works–almost everything he as written. His works have had a profound influence on me. Nature’s Eternal Religion was the first work of what I would call hate literature that I had ever read and I have always been an omnivorous reader. As a Christian I believe in love. But I also believe in hate. Kenneth Molyneaux wrote in his novel White Empire written in the 1990s that every individual is born with a reservoir of primordial anger which must be directed towards the enemy. We white people have enemies and right now in America they are primarily the Jews and the Negroes. Klassen makes it abundantly clear that these are our deadly enemies. Nature’s Eternal Religion reads a lot like the collected works of atheist and rationalist Robert Ingersoll which was written at least one hundred years ago. Klassen mentions in his first autobiographical work that he was given a copy of them. In all other ways his writings were original. He was a great propagandist making a few simple points and repeating them over and over again in slightly different ways. I have found his position compelling with the exception that he portrays Christianity as a trick by the Jews to induce a suicidal pacifism into naive and altruistic white people. That is not how Christianity arose at all. I am including his works in my blog which is usually devoted to German History because the Southern Poverty Law Center classifies him as a Neo-Nazi and I agree with that assessment. In some ways the author was not very successful in his mission. He was a prosperous real estate developer and spent a lot of money in founding a new church which did not catch on. He also allowed himself to be conned by other white men who pretended to believe in his cause. He was talked out of about a few hundred thousand dollars–a lot of money in the late 1980s and early 1900s. He committed suicide after his wife died because, as he stated, he was bored. His church, The Church of the Creator, was resuscitated by a young man he never met named Matt Hale. Hale is now a prisoner in a federal penitentiary in Colorado and has been hampered in his efforts to keep what is called The Creativity Movement alive.  I strongly recommend that white people read Klassen’s works as an alternative to letting the United States government choose their enemies for them. It is really important to know who your true enemies are if you intend to survive.