The Dawkins Delusion

A colleague of mine strongly recommended that I read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. I am a Christian and he has been trying to persuade me to adopt an atheistic position. So I have read the book–every word of it. I was not favorably impressed. I initially thought that the author was a professor of biology at Oxford University. He is at Oxford but he is not in the biology department. He has his own chair and his title is Professor of The Public Understanding of Science. But he pesents himself as a biologist. His position is that evolution is determined by natural selection alone. There is no God so God does not influence evolution. You would think that he would use the Scientific Method to demonstrate this belief but he does not do it. In fact Darwinists in general do not propose experiments to prove their assertion–they merely assume that it is correct. If the Darwinists are right why are there evolutionary gaps in the fossil reacord? Dawkins claims that the gaps demonstrate that science will some day explain those gaps. That is circular reasoning. In addition to claiming to be a scientist and not using the scientific method he assumes  what he is trying to prove. Dawkins also shows himself to be weak in the understanding of philosophy and  cosmology. More than anything else he needs to retire from the faculty of Oxford and enroll in some philosophy courses in order to learn to think more clearly. He should also take care to write in such a manner that each chapter builds upon the argument of the previous one. He should refrain from ad hominem attacks and not assume that he is the savior of the thinking population of the world This latter belief of his I call the Dawkins Delusion . I forced myself to read through the book when I usually discontinue with books that don’t measure up to the scholarly standards that I am used to. I threw this book out when I finished it. I don’t plan to refer to it in the future. As for the atheism of Richard Dawkins being a foundation for white supremacist thinking–we can certainly do better. Thirty million Germans in The Third Reich were Christians and also supported Adolf Hitler. Maybe they had the right idea!

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