Ancient and Medieval History

I consider my area of expertise to be German History. I majored in German in college and studied in Germany briefly. I decided to get into Ancient and Medieval History because Himmler hearkened back to the Medieval Period and Hitler hearkened back to times of the Roman Empire. Since then I have developed an interest in the premodern period for its own sake. Several years ago I tried to read a book by Julius Evola called The Revolt against the Modern World. It was too abstract for me but I got the main point anyway. Nazism is a throwback to the pagan premodern times. I can understand discontent with the modern period. It is filled with “hollow men” as T. S. Eliot would say.  I plan to use a new WordPress blog to post information on my studies in this period of history in response to my listening to lectures from The Teaching Company. Perhaps later I will read books as I do for the History of the Third Reich.

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