Archive for October, 2008

Pat Buchanan: a Profile in Courage?

October 8, 2008

I have just finished reading Pat Buchanan’s new book Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War. It is very well written unlike his Death of the West. You don’t have to be a history buff to follow his well developed thesis. He presents his arguments step by step with copious quotations–mostly from primary source material. I looked at the bibliographical references at the back of the book before reading it to see whom he relied on.  He cited John Toland 20 times. Toland wrote a bestselling biography of Hitler a little over 20 years ago. It is one of poorest biographies of Hitler in English. The author did not even read German. He relied on research by a professional German researcher and on copious interviews with Hitler’s surviving cronies for the backbone of his account.  I noticed that there was not a single reference in Buchanan’s book to the extensive writings on the subject of the Third Reich by David Irving.  Irving is generally acknowledged as having determined the facts for the 12 year reign of Hitler. Certainly, Buchanan read and relied on Hitlers’ War. He probably also read the fact-filled two volumes that Irving has written of his projected three volume biography of Churchill. How does one account for this omission? After Irving lost his lawsuit in Britain against Deborah Lipstadt the Jewish media has been claiming that Irving is now discredited as a historian. Actually all the defense in the trial established was that in all the books Irving has written a few sections of text were not supported by the documents refered to in the bibliographical notes. Pat Buchanan is one of the talking heads on TV. I watch him on The MacLaughlin Group every week.  There are about one thousand people that are continuously seen on TV and Pat is one of them. These people are selected very carefully because they represent current thought to the millions of Americans who get their view of the world from TV. The media is controlled by the Jews and Pat Buchanan would not want to antagonize the Jewish establishment because he desperately wants to be one of those thousand people–for financial reasons and for the sake of his reputation. A co-panelist with Pat on The MacLaughlin Group is media mogul and one of our Jewish masters Mortimer Zuckerman. Pat would not want to be reprimanded or frozen out by Zuckerman for refering to a “discredited” historian and suspected neo-Nazi regardless of how important his research is. I once heard Pat tell the story of his teenage years concerning fighting back. He said that he learned in high school that if someone hit you you had better hit him back or you were in for more trouble. A lot of time has passed since then. Buchanan is not a profile in courage today.