Archive for May, 2008

Was Jesus a Jew?

May 23, 2008

Hitler claimed in his Table Talk that Jesus was not a Jew but a Galilean who rebelled against Jewish oppression in general and Jewish capitalism in particular.  He further claimed that the Apostle Paul converted this Aryan Christianity into a universal religion whose goal as a Jewish plot was to undermine the Roman Empire primarily through the advocacy of egalitarianism. Nazi intellectual Alfred Rosenberg explicitly stated in The Myth of the Twentieth Century that Jesus was an Aryan whose teachings were very dissimilar from those of the Roman Catholic Church which arose after his death. Friedrich Nietzsche who preceded the Nazis, dying in 1900, and who probably influenced the Nazi position on Jesus, saw a dichotomy between the ministry of Jesus and the Christian Church as the Apostle Paul established it. To Nietzsche Jesus was a free spirit who promoted a Buddhistic peace movement. He was the first and only Christian and taught openness and love. Paul turned this all into a hostile repressive institutional religion that denied the natural man. While Nietzsche did not claim that Jesus was anything other than a Jew, he set the stage for the Nazi antagonism to the Church as representing the opposite of what Jesus taught. Hitler, Rosenberg and Nietzsche have been embraced for their interpretations of Jesus as a way to rewrite history. Certainly Jesus was a Jew. Although not trained in a rabbinical school, in many ways he was a traditional Jew as Geza Vermes has pointed out in his book Jesus the Jew. The book of Galatians in the New Testament, written about 20 years after the death of Jesus, discusses a conflict between Paul and Peter over Gentile Christians in Antioch. Peter was sensitive to the party of James, also from the Jerusalem Church, who wanted Gentile Christians to convert to Judaism first. This shows that the Jerusalem Church, which included not only Peter but, at least initially, Mary the mother of Jesus, considered itself to be a Jewish phenomenon. This would not have been possible if Jesus had been an Aryan.  Furthermore, although Paul in particular and the Catholic Church in general did  transform Christianity into a universal religion they did not make it  something radically different from what Jesus taught. Contemporary Nazis and Neo-Nazis who proclaim Jesus as an Aryan are promulgating a myth and should examine themselves before criticising the Holocaust as a myth. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.