Archive for March, 2008

Nazism: Right or Left?

March 1, 2008

The term for political parties as being right or left comes from the French parliament where French Action (the fascist party) sat on the right and the French Communist Party sat on the left. But how meaningful is this right-left dichotomy. Hannah Arendt in her work Totalitarianism said that there was about a dimes worth of difference between the far right and the far left in post-WW1 Germany. Hitler saw himself as a national socialist and racist and distinguished himself from the Marxists who were international socialists. But they were both very much socialists. In Mein Kampf he talks about his respect for institutions in German society and the two he names are the civil service and the army. His father was very proud of the fact that he had moved up in the Austrian civil service in spite of the fact that he did not have a university education. I think this respect for the government was passed down to Adolf. Mein Kampf also mentions that Hitler despised the capitalists in German society–whether they were Jewish or not. Ian Kershaw describes the Third Reich as being run by a massive and inefficient government bureaucracy  with departments having overlaping responsibilities. Indeed, Hitler was very much a big goverment advocate. Was this perspective right or left? I think it was left. The right should be conservative with commitment to small government and civil liberties and not totalitarian socialist. Racism does not put Nazism on the right per se.